Preview - Introduction To Netlogo: Rusting & Rates Of Reaction

Exploration 5

You will now conduct two investigations to explore two variables that help rusting reactions occur quickly and easily.

  1. Set the IRON-BLOCK-GEOMETRY to 9x9 Middle Box
  2. Set the ACTIVATION-ENERGY slider to 200.
  3. Press the SETUP button
  4. Press the GO/STOP 
  5. Answer Question 6.1
  6. Set the MOUSE-INTERACTION button to [shine UV light on iron]
  7. Then use the computer mouse to click and hold the button down on a location where there are iron molecules. 
  8. Answer Question 6.2



Please answer the questions below.

How does decreasing the activation energy affect the rate of rust formation?

How does shining a UV light affect the rate of rusting?


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